
The Colonie Democratic Committee is a political group consisting of candidates and elected members who represent the Town of Colonie, New York. Together, we have brought good government to the Town of Colonie.

We are committed to democracy and the forward progression of the community and everyone we represent. Building a bridge toward financial recovery has been an intricate part of Colonie’s forward progression.

The Colonie Democratic committee is committed to serving the town of Colonie and represents a foundation of individuals who believe in goodwill and long-term financial security. For updates and more information, join our mailing list below.


Ansel S. Asch, Chairman

Michael J. Blue, 1st Vice Chair

Susan C. Quine-Laurilliard, 2nd Vice Chair

Jillian M. Krynski, Secretary

Linda M. Whelton, Treasurer

District Leaders


14th County Legislative District:

Timothy A. Lane

19th County Legislative District:

Matthew D. Sissman

20th County Legislative District:

David B. Mayo

21st County Legislative District:

William P. Wurster

22nd County Legislative District:


23rd County Legislative District

Samuel B. Johnson

24th County Legislative District:

Justin T. Molesky


25th County Legislative District:

David S. Berkun

26th County Legislative District:

Linda J. Murphy

27th County Legislative District:

Louis C. Mion

Elected Officials