The Colonie Democratic Committee

We can’t do it without you.

Where Do I Vote?

Lots of polling sites have changed in recent years.

Make sure you know where to go if you want to vote on Election Day or during Early Voting.

Donate Today

It is an undeniable fact of political life that money is critical to any campaign. We will use funds we raise to spread our candidates’ message on multiple forms of media.

Volunteer Today

Our power is in our people. Sign up to write postcards, phone bank, be a walking buddy for a candidate, or something else that gets you excited and helps your community.

Request a Mail-In Ballot

All New York voters can now vote from their kitchen table about their kitchen table issues. Request your ballot today online. No paper necessary. The deadline for the 2024 election is Saturday, October 26th.

Register to Vote Electronically Here

Does anyone in your home need to register to vote? It’s easier than ever. You can register or change your address or party enrollment on the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles website. No paper forms necessary!